Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cliff's email

Here is the email I received from my benefactor, the donor of the original art:

I found your website reference, after deleting the slant etc., at the end. Well, hard lines and flinty gratitude, but the pictures are nice and you are doin gwell -- but two year wait. Jeeze.
I never did find hte print -- I thik I must have tosse dit and forgeotten it.
Otherwsie, how is life.

Did I say something wrong?

Cliff = Patron of the Arts of the Highest Order and Honor, Donor of Materials to Children (the most admirable sort of donor there is)

Art = Tired and Worn Out, a PERFECT match for my kids and their paint

Here is said benefactor with Sagan, Sagan is probably sometime around 18 months old:

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